?Esterase isozyme zymogram of 105 cultivars in barley (Horde urn vulgars L.), which originated in the Hubel area, were studied with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results showed that there were eight esterase isozyme zymogram patterns,and They can be clustered four types according to the similarity index of the eightpatterns,in which of them the zymogram pattern Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,and Ⅷ nearly possessed 94% in the total cultivars,and those composed the main patterns of esterase isozynle zymogram in Hubei barley. By analysis of the origin of the cultivars,the contribution of cultivars that were identifical or relatively close in the zymogram were comparatively concerntrated in the some district of the Hubei Province .the condition was resemble in theair temperature of this different destrict. The relation among esterase isozyme zymogramand district distribution of cultivars and air temperature condition,and application of esterase isozyme in barley breeding were discussed.