九连山自然保护区位于江西省南部,是目前已知江西叶附生苔的分布南界。现有叶附生苦类植物3科、11属和19种(含变种),分布于海拔450~700m的常绿阔叶林内。其中,东亚细鳞苔(Lejeuneacata cantanduana)、白边疣鳞苔(COlolejeunea oshumensis)、皱萼苦(Ptychanthus striatus)、喜马拉雅片鳞苔齿瓣变种(Pedinolejeunea himalayensis var.dentata)为江西新记录。尖叶薄鳞苔(Laplolopunea elliptica)、尖舌扁萼苔(Radula acuminata)、台湾片鳞苔(Pedinolejeunea fomsoana)和列胞疣鳞苔(Cololejeunea ocellata)是九连山叶附生苦常见种。区系分析结果表明,泛热带及东亚区系成分是构成该区叶附生苦的主要成分,分别占47.37%和42.11%,中国特有成分仅1种,占5.26%。
Nineteen species and varieties of eplphyllous liverworts,belonging to 11 genera and 3 families, have been found in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi. Amongthem. the most common species are Leptolejeunea elliptica,Radula acuminata,Pedinolejeunea fomosana and Cololejeunea ocellata. 4 species, namely. Lejeunea catanduana,COlolejeunea oshimensis,Ptychanthus striatus and Pedinolejeunea himalayensis var. dentata,are new records in Jiangxi. The distribution of the new records is between 450 m to 700 m above sea level in the evergreen broadleaved forests. The main elements of epiphyllous liverworts in Jiulianshan are Pantropical ones (47. 3%) and East Asia ones(42.11 %). The number of endemic spedes to China is only one (5. 26%).