对浙江金华地区秋旱作物田17个样点的杂草优势度等级进行了七级目测调查,计测了22种主要杂草的生态位宽度和生态位重叠值,作出了反映它们间生态学相似程度的最小生成树。结果表明,马唐Digitaria sanguinalis、狗尾草Setaria viridis千金子Leptochloa chinensis碎米莎草Cyperus iria、牛筋草Eleusine indica、石胡荽Centipeda minima、旱稗Echinochloa crusgalli var. hispidula的生态位宽度在0.3以上,它们是本地区秋旱作物田的主要杂草;22仲杂草中,马唐、狗尾草、碎米莎草、香附子Cyperus rotundus、牛筋草等杂草间,以及千金子、鲤肠Eclipta prostrata粟米草Mollugo prntaphylla、泥花草Lindernia antipoda、丁香蓼Ludwigia prostrata、石胡荽Centipeda minima、通泉草Mazus japonicus等杂草间的生态位重叠值较大,黄花菜Cleome viscosa、球柱草Bulbostylis barbata、水花生Alteranthus philoxeroides等杂草与其它杂草的生态位重叠值较小,说明它们的生态要求比较特殊。
in the autumn-harvested dry crop fields in Jinhua, 17 sites on different ecological conditions were surveyed in detail with seven scales by visualization of weed dominance to crop to obtain the weed important values,the species niche breadthes and nicheoverlaps of 22 species were then worked out on the basis of the data above. The minimalspanning tree revealing weed ecological similarity was drawn based on the niche overlaps. The resluts showed that Digitaria sanguinalis、Setaria viridis、Leptochloa chinensis、Cyperus iria、Eleusine indica、Centipeda minima、Echinochloa crusgalli var. hispidula were the main weeds in autumn-harvested dry crop fields in Middle Zhejiang. Amongthe 22 weeds, the niche overlaps of Dingitaria sangualis、Setaria viridis、 Cyperus iria、Cyperus rotundus、Eleusine indica were high,while the niche overlaps of Lertochloa chinensis、Eclipta prostrata、Mollugo pentaphylla、Lindernia antipoda、Luwdigia prostrata、CentiPeda minima、Mazus japonicus were also high, those of Cleome viscosa、Bulbostylis barbata、Alternanthera philoxeroides with other weeds were small, which indicated thattheir ecological demands were special compared with other weeds' in the autumn-harvested dry crop fields in Jinhua.