Accumulation and cycling of Ca in a subtropical evergreen broad leaved forest dominated by
Cyclobalanopsis glauca growing on red soil in Zhejiang Province was elucidated in this paper The concentration of Ca in representative species were 0.12%~1.25% Old organs and individuals accumulated more Ca Seasonal dynamics and diameter change of the concentration of Ca was not evident The concentration of Ca in fallen leaves and branches was higher than that in fresh ones Aproportion of Ca had leached from the canopy by incident precipitation The standing crop of Ca in the community was 1057.22 kg/hm
2, that in the litter layer was 93.43kg/hm
2, and in the soil(A
0-B) was 6544 kg/hm
2 Retention of Ca was 139.46 kg/(hm
2·a) Return of Ca was 63.09 kg/(hm
2·a), in which via litterfall occupied about 70% Uptake of Ca was 202.55 kg/(hm
2·a) Annual input of Ca through incident precipitation was 12.15kg/hm
2 Comparing with other forest types, use efficiency of Ca in the ecosystem was higher to adapt to the lower availability of Ca in the soil