A Preliminary Study on the Vegetation of Jiugongshan Nature Reserve and Its Characteristics
摘要: 九宫山自然保护区位于中国中亚热带向北亚热带过渡区,植被构成以森林植被为主。通过调查和分析,将九宫山自然保护区植被划分为5个植被型组,11个植被型,32个群系。九宫山自然保护区的种子植物区系分布中温带性质和热带性质的属分别为384和302属;植被类型中主要森林植被的构成为:暖温性、温性和寒温性针叶林群系数目依次是1、1、0,常绿阔叶林、落叶常绿阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林群系数目分别为3、7、7;森林植被中落叶常绿阔叶混交林的分布面积最大。与井冈山自然保护区、庐山、后河自然保护区、清凉峰自然保护区、神农架自然保护区以及董寨鸟类自然保护区等地植被相关特征的比较分析表明,该区植被种子植物的主要组成种类以及森林植被类型和分布等具有明显的地带性过渡特征。Abstract: Jiugongshan Nature Reserve lies in the transitional region from middle subtropical zone to north subtropical zone in Hubei Province,China.By investigation and analysis,the vegetation of Jiugongshan Nature Reserve is divided into 5 vegetation-type groups,11 vegetation types and 32 formations.In comparison to the vegetation of Jinggangshan Nature Reserve,Lushan Mountain,Houhe Nature Reserve,Qingliangfeng Nature Reserve,Shennongjia Nature Reserve and Dongzhai Bird Nature Reserve,both the floristic composition of the main seed plant species and forest-vegetative formation and distribution of the vegetation of Jiugongshan Nature Reserve display characteristics of regional transition.
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