


  • 摘要: 木兰科植物共7属约195种, 间断分布于亚洲和美洲的热带至温带地区。在地史时期, 木兰科植物几乎遍布整个北半球。其在欧洲和格陵兰等地的绝灭, 可能是由于气温下降和第四纪冰川的破坏所致。中国南部和西南部及其邻近地区具有丰富的木兰科属种代表、众多的特有类群和该科最原始的成员, 以及反映木兰科系统发育不同阶段的类型, 是木兰科植物的现代分布中心、分化中心和保存中心, 也可能是其起源中心。木兰科植物可能在侏罗纪就已起源, 一方面向亚洲热带地区分化, 另一方面经欧洲向北美发展; 南美木兰科植物则是由北美发展而来的。


    Abstract: The Magnoliaceae consists of 7 genera and about 195 species disjuncted between the tropics to temperate of Asia and America. The family once occurred in almost all the north hemisphere. Its decline in Europe, Greenland, etc. is possibly due to the decrease of temperature caused by the regionalization of the global climate in the Tertiary as well as the serious destruction of the glacier in the Quaternary. The Magnoliaceae is well represented by abundant genera and species, rich endemic species, representatives of various stages of phylogeny and the most archaic componant of the family in SW.-S.China and adjacent region, which is the centers of modern distribution, differentiation and preservation, and therefore, the possible origin center of the family. The plants of Magnoliaceae must have originated in Jurassic and then diferentiate southward to tropical Asia and northward to Europe. The American Magnoliaceae must have been derived on the Euramerican landmass before the complete separation between NoAh America and Europe in the Tertiary period. The Magnoliaceae in South America might migrate from North America in Miocene or late.


