

Analysis of POD,EST of Wheat Radiation Mutants and Their Originals at Different Developmental Stages

  • 摘要: 采用不同发育时期的小麦辐射突变体及原始品种材料对其酯酶(EST)、过氧化物酶(POD)酶谱进行了比较研究,并对一些农艺性状之间的相关性进行了测定。结果表明,第一套材料(南大2419、鄂麦6号、81-61562、82-2291)的株高和粒重分别与过氧化物酶和酯酶的活性在一定时期呈相反的变化趋势,第二套材料(St-2422/464、62027、80-15678)则无明显规律性关系。不同时期起主要作用的谱带不同。


    Abstract: Activities and isozymes of POD and EST were analyzed with materials from different developmental stages of wheat original strains and their radiation mutants, and the relations betweens biological characters and isozymes were studied. The results showed that the height and the grain weight related to the POD and EST in reversed tendency respectively in certain stages in the first set of materials,while no obvious relationship in second set of materials. At different (developmental) stages, the bands of functional enzymes are different.


