

陈彩霞, 李艾莲, 兰金旭, 杨念婉, 叶全裕, 谢赛萍

陈彩霞, 李艾莲, 兰金旭, 杨念婉, 叶全裕, 谢赛萍. 规范化种植延胡索药材的质量评价[J]. 植物科学学报, 2010, 28(5): 618-622.
引用本文: 陈彩霞, 李艾莲, 兰金旭, 杨念婉, 叶全裕, 谢赛萍. 规范化种植延胡索药材的质量评价[J]. 植物科学学报, 2010, 28(5): 618-622.
CHEN Cai-Xia, LI Ai-Lian, LAN Jin-Xu, YANG Nian-Wan, YE Quan-Yu, XIE Sai-Ping. Quality Evaluation on Rhizoma Corydalis Cultivated in Compliance with Good Agricultural Practices[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2010, 28(5): 618-622.
Citation: CHEN Cai-Xia, LI Ai-Lian, LAN Jin-Xu, YANG Nian-Wan, YE Quan-Yu, XIE Sai-Ping. Quality Evaluation on Rhizoma Corydalis Cultivated in Compliance with Good Agricultural Practices[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2010, 28(5): 618-622.



    李艾莲, E-mail: alli@impladac.cn

  • 中图分类号: S567:R282.71

Quality Evaluation on Rhizoma Corydalis Cultivated in Compliance with Good Agricultural Practices

  • 摘要: 通过对江西红壤丘陵坡地规范化种植的延胡索(Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang)中延胡索乙素、重金属和农残连续4年跟踪检测分析,对延胡索的药效成分和安全性进行质量评价。延胡索乙素含量采用高效液相法测定,重金属含量采用原子吸收分光光度法测定,农药残留采用气相色谱法测定。结果表明:电视延胡索乙素含量为0.066%~0.088%,重金属铅0.76mg/kg、镉0.22mg/kg、砷0.0025mg/kg、汞0.007mg/kg、铜5.26mg/kg、有机氯农药六六六0.033mg/kg,滴滴涕和五氯硝基苯为痕迹量。延胡索新种植区——江西红壤丘陵坡地规范化种植的延胡索符合《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版一部及《药用植物及制剂外经贸委绿色行业标准》WM/T2-2004的规定。
    Abstract: Based on four years of continuous detection on the concentration of tetrahydropalmatine,heavy metal and pesticide residue,we evaluated the active ingredient and security of Rhizoma Corydalis cultivated by Good Agricultural Practice in red-soil slopes in Jiangxi pro-vince.The results showed that tetrahydropalmatine detected by using HPLC was between 0.066%-0.088%,while harmful elements such as Pb(0.76 mg/kg),Cd(0.22 mg/kg),As(0.0025 mg/kg),Hg(0.007 mg/kg),and Cu(5.26 mg/kg)were detected by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer,pesticide residue determined by gas chromatography showed organic chlorine was 0.033 mg/kg,and 2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane and quintozene were only at trace concentrations.All content agreed with the request by the subdivision in Pharmacopoeia of the People Republic of China(2010)and the Green standards of medicinal plants and preparations for foreign trade and economy(WM/T2-2004).
  • 文章访问数:  2920
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  • 收稿日期:  2009-12-04
  • 修回日期:  2010-03-15
  • 发布日期:  2010-10-27


