

A Preliminary Study on the Spermatophytic Flora of Longshan Forest Park in Lianyuan of Hunan Province

  • 摘要: 涟源县龙山森林公园是湖南省中部的一座孤山,位于华中植物区和华东植物区的分界线上,生境多样,植被类型丰富,有野生种子植物158科、687属、1486种(含种下等级)。植物区系总体性质以温带性质为主,兼有大量热带成分的混杂,具有较强的过渡性质。但是,在科、属级水平上均表现出较强的热带地理亲缘性。优势大科、大属在区系组成统计上占有突出位置。与邻近地区植物区系比较,科、属、种相似性最大的是湖南古丈县高望界,与距离其最近的南岳衡山相似性最小,说明该区虽为孤山地貌,但孤山区系特征不显著,缺乏地方特有属、种,受武陵山脉的影响较大,应归属于华中植物区,并且兼有向华东过渡的性质。


    Abstract: Longshan Forest Park which is an isolated mountain in central Hunan province,is located at the floral boundary of Central China and East China,with various ecological conditions and different vegetational types.There are 1486 wild species of seed plants belonging to 687 genera of 158 families in this area.The whole floral natures of seed plants belong to mainly temperate,mixed with abundant tropical areal-types,it shows distinct transition chartecteristic between the tropic and temperate,but in families and genera level,there are higher proportion in the tropical areal-types,it means that the natures of tropical geographic affinities are distinct in this area.Otherwise,the dominant large families and large genera are majority position in statistic of floral composition.In studies of relationship of floral geography,comparing to some neighbor areas in Hunan province,the flora of Longshan are more similar to those of Gaowanjie in Guzhang county by the higher similarity between the both areas in species and genera and family statistic,but there is a low similarity between Longshan and Nanyue Hengshan.It demonstrates that the isolate mountain of Longshan is only independent in landform,is not in their flora,and absent in endemic floristic elements.Based on above mentions,the flora of Longshan are more impacted by the flora of Wuling Mountain.Thus,their flora shoud be belong to a part of the floristic region of Central China,with some transitional floristic characteristics between Central China and East China.


