Structure and Development of the Sporoderm in Coniogramme japonica (Thunb.) Diels (Hemionitidaceae)
摘要: 利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对裸子蕨科(Hemionitidaceae)凤丫蕨(Coniogramme japonica (Thunb.) Diels)孢壁的结构和发育进行了研究.结果表明,凤丫蕨孢子外壁表面光滑,由2层构成,即薄的内层和厚的外层.周壁分为周壁内层和周壁外层两部分,周壁内层中上部具辐射状排列的小柱状成分,周壁外层由鳞片和小球体疏松交织成平面或立体网状,由两层周壁共同构成孢子表面皱状纹饰的轮廓.探讨了凤丫蕨孢子周壁的来源,为孢粉学和蕨类植物系统演化研究提供基础资料.Abstract: The formation and development of the sporoderm of the fern Coniogramme japonica (Thunb.) Diels (Hemionitidaceae) was studied by means of light microscopy (LM),scanning electron microscopy (SEM),and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Results indicated that the surface of the exospore was smooth.The exospore could be identified with two layers,a thinner inner layer and the thicker outer exospore.The perispore was also distinguished cleary into two layers,the outer perispore layer and the inner perispore layer.Radially arranged rodlets were also identified in the upper part of the perispore.The outer perispore showed a reticulated structure,composed of scales and spherules.The two layers of the perispore formed the surface ornamentations of the spore.The origin of the perispore of the fern Coniogramme japonica is discussed here and the results can provide information for palynologic and phylogenic research.