
孑遗植物水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis)种群优势度增长规律研究

吴则焰, 刘金福, 洪伟, 郑世群, 何中声, 付达靓

吴则焰, 刘金福, 洪伟, 郑世群, 何中声, 付达靓. 孑遗植物水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis)种群优势度增长规律研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2009, 27(4): 387-390.
引用本文: 吴则焰, 刘金福, 洪伟, 郑世群, 何中声, 付达靓. 孑遗植物水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis)种群优势度增长规律研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2009, 27(4): 387-390.
WU Ze-Yan, LIU Jin-Fu, HONG Wei, ZHENG Shi-Qun, HE Zhong-Sheng, FU Da-Liang. Study on the Growth Dynamics of Dominance of the Relict Plant Glyptostrobus pensilis Population[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2009, 27(4): 387-390.
Citation: WU Ze-Yan, LIU Jin-Fu, HONG Wei, ZHENG Shi-Qun, HE Zhong-Sheng, FU Da-Liang. Study on the Growth Dynamics of Dominance of the Relict Plant Glyptostrobus pensilis Population[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2009, 27(4): 387-390.

孑遗植物水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis)种群优势度增长规律研究


    刘金福(1966- ),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事森林生态学、野生动植物保护与利用研究。E-mail:fjljf@126.com

  • 中图分类号: Q948.1;S718.54

Study on the Growth Dynamics of Dominance of the Relict Plant Glyptostrobus pensilis Population

  • 摘要: 运用有限空间种群增长的逻辑斯谛模型探讨屏南水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis)种群基面积的增长规律,并通过改进单纯型法进行最优拟合。研究结果表明,洪-Logistic新模型比其它种群增长模型更符合水松种群的实际增长趋势。该模型残差平方和Q为1.7831,内禀增长率为0.7604,特征返回时间Tr为1.3116径级年,最大增长速率出现在第8径级,即胸径为48~54cm时期,平衡位置在环境容量为58.1991m2/hm2处。可见水松种群增长较慢,平衡性脆弱,受破坏后恢复时间较长。研究结果可为屏南水松种群的保护和管理提供理论依据。
    Abstract: The growth law of basic area of Glyptostrobus pensilis population in Pingnan was studied by the methods of Logistic Model.And a new model was optimized from the modified simplex method.The optimized results showed that the Hong-Logistic Model was more suitable than other models to simulate the actual growth trend of G.pensilis population.The residual sum of squares was 1.7831,and the intrinsic growth rate was 0.7604,and the Tr value was 1.3116 diameter class year.The highest growth rate of basal area was the eighth age classes,namely the phase when breast diameter was 48-54 cm,and the basal area reached 58.1991 m2/hm2.It is thus clear that the growth of G.pensilis population was retarded,and it need long time to recover after suffering damages.The results would provide a theoretical basis for the protection and management of natural G.pensilis population in Pingnan.
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  • 收稿日期:  2008-09-27
  • 修回日期:  2009-03-18
  • 发布日期:  2009-08-20


