

张宇澄, 周颂东, 任海燕, 逄云莉, 赵丽华, 李琴琴, 何兴金

张宇澄, 周颂东, 任海燕, 逄云莉, 赵丽华, 李琴琴, 何兴金. 中国西南葱属10种20居群的核型研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2009, 27(4): 351-360.
引用本文: 张宇澄, 周颂东, 任海燕, 逄云莉, 赵丽华, 李琴琴, 何兴金. 中国西南葱属10种20居群的核型研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2009, 27(4): 351-360.
ZHANG Yu-Cheng, ZHOU Song-Dong, REN Hai-Yan, PANG Yun-Li, ZHAO Li-Hua, LI Qin-Qin, HE Xing-Jin. Karyotype in 20 Populations Belonging to 10 Species of Allium from Southwest China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2009, 27(4): 351-360.
Citation: ZHANG Yu-Cheng, ZHOU Song-Dong, REN Hai-Yan, PANG Yun-Li, ZHAO Li-Hua, LI Qin-Qin, HE Xing-Jin. Karyotype in 20 Populations Belonging to 10 Species of Allium from Southwest China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2009, 27(4): 351-360.




  • 中图分类号: Q949.71+8.23;Q942

Karyotype in 20 Populations Belonging to 10 Species of Allium from Southwest China

  • 摘要: 采用常规压片法,对采自中国西南地区的10种20个居群葱属(Allium L.)植物的根尖有丝分裂中期进行了观察,10种葱属植物分别为峨眉韭(Allium omeiense)、多星韭(A.wallichii)、大花韭(A.macranthum)、韭(A.tuberosum)、高山韭(A.sikkimense)、天蓝韭(A.cyaneum)、西川韭(A.xichuanense)、野黄韭(A.rude)、野葱(A.chrysanthum)和真籽韭(A.eusperma)。供试类群中,核型类型为2A、2B和2C,其中2C为首次报道;染色体基数为7、8、11;5个种中存在多倍体,其中天蓝韭的5倍体居群为首次报道;6个种存在随体杂合现象。通过观察发现峨眉韭的核型不对称性与海拔高度存在相关性;四倍体大花韭的核型演化伴随着st染色体短臂的断裂和丢失。结合核型、形态学和繁育制度等特征,对部分类群的进化和组一级分类等级及其归属问题进行了探讨。
    Abstract: Chromosome number and karyotype in 20 populations belonging to 10 species of Allium from China were reported in this paper,they were A.omeiens,A.wallichi,A.macranthum,A.tuberosum,A.sikkimense,A.cyaneum,A.xichuanense,A.rude,A.chrysanthum and A.eusperma.Based on Stebbins’karyotype classification there were 2A,2B and 2C types;the basic chromosome numbers were 7,8 and 11;satellite heterozygosis and polyploidy were common in these species.The results also show:the asymmetry index of A.omeiense was related to the altitude;pentaploidy A.macranthum evolved along with the fission and deletion of short-arms of st chromosome.Combined with the karyotypical,morphological and reprductive trait,the evolutional and systematical questions of some taxa were discussed.
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  • 收稿日期:  2008-12-02
  • 修回日期:  2009-03-21
  • 发布日期:  2009-08-20


