

Population Structure and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Natural Regeneration Larix principis-rupprechtii in Guandi Mountain

  • 摘要: 华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)是分布于华北山地半湿润地区针叶林的主要建群种之一。从种群的大小级结构、空间分布格局及动态等方面,研究了关帝山采伐迹地上华北落叶松天然更新种群的数量特征与空间格局。结果表明:(1)华北落叶松幼苗幼树缺乏,2.5cm < DBH ≤17.5cm的个体数量丰富,DBH>17.5cm个体数量稀少,种群表现为衰退型,但华北落叶松较长的生命周期、数量丰富的中小径级个体和客观存在的林冠干扰,使得其依然可发展成为稳定的种群;(2)采伐迹地上华北落叶松幼苗幼树多为集群分布;2.5cm 

    Abstract: Lurix priucipis-rupprechtii is one of main constructive tree species of conifer forest which is dis-tributed in semi-humid region,north China. The population structure and spatial pattern of different size classes were studied in a natural regeneration stand which lies in a clear-cut strip. The results revealed that Larix principis-rupprechtii population trends decline for the shortage of seedling and sapling. But the population has the potential to be stable in respect that long life span,abundant trees of middle size class and disturbance. The seedlings and saplings were clumped. Trees of 2. 5 cm&#8804;>Larix principis-rupprechtii was related to itself biological characteristics and light.


