Studies on the Flora and Vegetations along the Middle Canal of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project
摘要: 在大量野外调查的基础上,对南水北调中线干渠沿线植物区系特征和主要植被类型进行了系统的研究分析。结果表明,沿线典型植被类型的主要组成种类约有360种,隶属于106科252属;植物区系主要属温带性质,具有亚热带—热带区系的过渡性质;特有性程度非常低,仅有1科(银杏科)4属,即地构叶属(Speranskia)、蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis)、水杉属(Metasequoia)、银杏属(Ginkgo)为我国特有;没有国家和地方重点保护的植物物种分布。依据Flexible Beta Clustering分类,干渠沿线主要植被类型可以划分为5个植被型和65个群丛,乔、灌层组成结构非常单一,草本层较为发达。研究结果对工程沿线的植被保护和恢复工作具有重要意义。
- 南水北调 /
- Flexiblebeta clustering /
- 植物区系 /
- 植被类型
Abstract: We conducted an intensive vegetation survey along the middle canal of the south-to-north water transfer project.The results showed:(1)The main vegetation types were composed of about 360 species,belonging to 106 families and 252 genera.The flora had typical temperate characteristics with a transitional nature from tropical to subtropical flora.It had a low level of endemism with only 1 family 4 genera and 4 species endemic to China.There were no rare & endangered plant species protected at national or local level along the middle route of the south-to-north water transfer project.(2)There were 5 vegetation types and 65 formations according to Flexible beta Clustering;the structure of the tree layer and the shrub layer was very simple,while the herb layer was much more abundant.The results have broad implications for vegetation recovery along the middle canal of the interbasin water transfer project. -
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