

Comparative Study on Methods for Testing Pollen Viability of the Six Species from Genus Rhododendron

  • 摘要: 选取睫毛杜鹃(Rhododendron ciliatum)、多鳞杜鹃(Rhododendron polylepis)、薄皮杜鹃(Rhdodenron taronense)、映山红(Rhododendron simsii)、马银花(Rhododendron ovatum)和比利时杜鹃(Rhododendron hybridum)为研究对象,通过蔗糖、H3BO3、CaCl2单因子及L25(53)正交试验对它们进行花粉萌发试验研究,比较I2-KI染色法、TTC染色法、联苯胺染色法、MTT染色法4种花粉活力测定方法的不同。结果表明:蔗糖、H3BO3、CaCl2及3因子交互效应对杜鹃花花粉萌发有显著影响。适宜的离体培养基配方依杜鹃花种类不同而不同,睫毛杜鹃为:蔗糖150 g/L+H3BO3 0 mg/L+CaCl2 50 mg/L;映山红为: 蔗糖100 g/L+H3BO3 100 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L;马银花为: 蔗糖50 g/L+H3BO3 200 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L;比利时杜鹃为: 蔗糖150 g/L+H3BO3 100 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L。MTT染色法是简单快速测定杜鹃花花粉活力的最适染色法。


    Abstract: This experiment was conducted with the pollens grains of Rhododendron ciliatum,R.polylepis,R.taronense,R.simsii,R.ovatum,and R.hybridum.The effects of sucrose,H3BO3 and CaCl2 single factor and orthogonal test L25(53) on Rhododendron pollen germination were investigated.The I2-KI,TTC,benzi-dine-H2O2,and MTT methods were compared to find the fastest determination method of Rhododendron pollen vitality.The results indicated that sucrose,H3BO3,CaCl2,and their interaction had great effects on the pollen germination of the six Rhododendron species.The optimal germination medium of pollen germination for 150 g/L+H3BO3 0 mg/L+CaCl2 50 mg/L,for R.simsii was sucrose 100 g/L+H3BO3 100 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L,for R.ovatum was sucrose 50 g/L+H3BO3 200 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L and for R.hybridum was sucrose 150 g/L+H3BO3 100 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L and sucrose 150 g/L+H3BO3 100 mg/L+CaCl2 0 mg/L,respectively.MTT is the optimum and rapid staining method to determine pollen vitality of Rhododendron.


