Advanced Study on Gene Expression Regulatory Mechanisms of DREB2s Transcription Factor Gene
摘要: DREB2s是植物特有的转录因子,隶属于AP2/EREBP转录因子家族,对干旱、高盐或低温、高温等非生物胁迫应答基因的表达有重要的调控作用。不同植物来源的DREB2在基因结构上有细微差异,对非生物胁迫的响应亦有不同表现。本文阐述了DREB2s的蛋白质结构特征及其对多种非生物胁迫的应答反应,并深入分析了DREB2s转录水平和转录后加工水平的表达调控分子机制的最新研究进展,为理解DREB2s基因功能、分子调控机制及作物抗逆基因工程提供理论依据。Abstract: DREB2s is a plant-specific transcription factor, which belongs to the AP2/EREBP transcription factor family. DREB2s plays an important role in regulating abiotic stress (drought, high salinity, low temperature, and high temperature) responsive gene expression. The genetic structure of DREB2 transcription factor is slightly different, as is its response to abiotic stress. We reviewed the structural features of the DREB2s proteins and their responses to various abiotic stresses, and the recent advances in the molecular mechanism of DREB2s at the level of transcription and post transcriptional regulation of gene expression, which will provide a theoretical basis for understanding the gene function, molecular mechanism and genetic engineering approach to improving plant abiotic stress resistance of DREB2s.
- DREB2 /
- Abiotic stress /
- Transcription factors /
- Transcriptional regulation
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