Development of Phyllostachys edulis Inflorescences
摘要: 通过野外观察和石蜡切片技术研究了毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)的花序发育进程。研究结果表明:毛竹的花序为续次发生的假花序,以小穗为单元,4~13个不等,偏向一侧排列(似扫帚状)的小穗组成长约 8.01 cm的复穗状花序;当花序伸长至4~5 cm时,形成侧芽结构,小穗原基开始发育,形成各级小穗,直至顶生小穗、侧生小穗出现;当花序伸长至8~10 cm时,颖花原基形成并开始发育,最终形成3个雄蕊和1个雌蕊构成的小花。花序形成初期(5月中旬至6月),苞片紧裹主轴,顶端具缩小叶;随着分蘖小穗的生长和小花开放,植株叶片变黄,整个花序变为褐色,进入种实发育成熟阶段。本文首次报道了毛竹花序的发育进程,进一步丰富了竹类生殖生物学的研究内容,为竹亚科及禾本科的生殖生物学研究积累了丰富的材料。Abstract: The development of Phyllostachys edulis inflorescences was studied by observing phenotypic changes in the wild and taking paraffin sections to research internal development. The main results showed that P. edulis had a iterauctant (or false) inflorescence, the basic inflorescence unit was a spikelet, with 4-13 spikelets arranged to one side in a spicate inflorescence, which had an average length of 8.01 cm. When the P. edulis inflorescences expanded to 4-5 cm, lateral buds formed, development of the spikelet primordium began, different spikelet levels were formed, and the spikelet primordium stopped developing until the apical and lateral spikelets appeared. When the inflorescence expanded to 8-10 cm, glumous flower primordium began to differentiate and develop, and became a complete floret with three stamens and one pistil in the end. The initial stage of inflorescence formed in mid-May to June, during which time bracts would tightly wrap the spindle, and leaves at the top of the inflorescence would also become narrow. With the development of spikelets and florets, the leaves would turn yellow, inflorescences would turn brown, after which the plant reached the mature stage and would begin to produce seeds. This study reported on the inflorescence development of bamboo for the first time, further enriching bamboo reproductive biology research and accumulating material for reproductive biology studies on Bambusoideae and Gramineae.
- Phyllostachys edulis /
- Inflorescence /
- Spikelet /
- Floret /
- Development
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