Based on the 53 plots dataset from the field,the species diversity of vegetation alongside Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project(YRDP),Shanxi was studied by using richness indices,species diversity indices and evenness indices,respectively.The relationships among indices were studied by analysis of variance,and correlation coefficient.The differences among these indices for all communities were studied by Duncan multiple range test.The results indicated that: Firstly,the curve trends of Hill’s index and Shannon-Wiener’s index were similar to those richness indices,and had a little difference when compared with evenness indices,however,Simpson’s index was opposite to the others;secondly,R0,H’,λ and E4 were better than the others when species diversity were measured here,which can describe the diversity characteristics of communities properly;thirdly,the correlation among these indices,such as Simpson’s index,Hill’s index and Shannon-Wiener’s index were significant.Finally,the significant differences among most of communities were existed while the differences of some communities were not significant,which suggested there were differences and continuity among communities.