采用Li-6400便携式光合测定仪测定厚壁毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis ‘Pachyloen’)蒸腾作用在不同时间尺度上的动态变化,结果表明:厚壁毛竹夏季的蒸腾日变化为双峰曲线,秋、冬、春季的蒸腾日变化为单峰曲线;厚壁毛竹蒸腾年动态变化为单峰曲线,1月份最低,仅为0.33mmol•m-2•s-1;6月份最高,达3.78mmol•m-2•s-1;年均值为1.30mmol•m-2•s-1。与毛竹的蒸腾作用动态相比,两竹种不但在蒸腾速率上相近,而且总体趋势也较为一致:夏季、冬季和春季两竹种的蒸腾日变化类型相同,唯有秋季的蒸腾日变化类型不一致,厚壁毛竹的为单峰曲线,而毛竹的为双峰曲线,这反映了两竹种蒸腾作用对气候响应的差异;厚壁毛竹和毛竹的蒸腾作用年动态变化均为单峰曲线。
Daily and seasonal dynamic change pattern of transpiration of Phyllostachys edulis ’Pachyloen’ was determined by Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.The results showed the diurnal variation of transpiration rate(Tr) changed with season,bimodality in summer,and single peak curve in autumn,winter and spring.The annual variation of transpiration was single peak curve,peaks(3.78 mmol•m-2•s-1) occurred in June,the lowest was only 0.33 mmol•m-2•s-1 in January,and the annual mean of Tr was 1.30 mmol•m-2•s-1.Compared with the transpiration dynamic variation of P.edulis,not only the value of transpiration rates are similar,but the transpiration dynamic variations are similar except for the diurnal variation of transpiration in autumn,bimodality to P.edulis and single curve to P.edulis ’Pachyloen’,which reflects the difference response characteristics of the two bamboos to climate.The annual transpiration variation of the two bamboos was identical,it is single peak curve:high in summer,plummeting in autumn and winter,and going up in spring.