Comparative study on development and structural characteristics of bracts and leaves of Tilia japonica Simonk
摘要: 花序苞片是椴树属最典型的特征,但它与其他器官的演化关系尚不明确。本文对华东椴(Tilia japonica Simonk.)花序苞片和叶片在生长发育上的关联性进行分析,并对其表面微形态特征和内部解剖结构进行详细比较。结果显示,华东椴苞片和叶片在生长发育过程中表现出非常相似的规律性,二者在苞片幼期阶段均生长迅速、中期阶段生长变缓、成熟阶段再有小幅生长。对苞片与叶片形态性状的相关性分析显示,苞片长、苞片宽、叶长、叶宽的相关性均极显著。在表面微形态特征上,苞片和叶片总体上非常相似;在解剖特征上,苞片没有栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,叶片有明显的分化。结合椴树属苞片的化石记录,我们认为椴树属苞片最早由叶片特化而来,是一种叶状结构,二者在表皮微形态特征及解剖结构上的差异,主要是在演化过程中为了适应各自不同功能而逐渐产生的。Abstract: Inflorescence bracts are the most typical characteristics of Tilia Linn., but their evolutionary relationship with other organs is not clear. In this study, correlations between the growth and development of bracts and leaves of Tilia japonica Simonk. were analyzed, and their epidermal micromorphological features and internal anatomical structures were compared. Results indicated that the growth and development processes of the bracts and leaves had very similar regularity. Both grew rapidly in the young stage, slowly in the middle stage, and only slightly in the mature stage. Analysis between the morphological characters of the bract and leaf showed significant correlations between bract length, bract width, leaf length, and leaf width. In addition, epidermal micromorphological features were very similar. Anatomically, compared with the leaf, there was no differentiation between palisade tissue and spongy tissue in the bracts. Combined with the fossil record of Tilia bracts, we suggest that the bract is specialized from the leaf and may be regarded as a leaf-like structure. The differences in epidermal micromorphological features and anatomical structures are mainly due to adaptations to their different functions during evolution.
- Tilia japonica /
- Bract /
- Leaf /
- Development
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