

Energy Reproductive Allocation in the Moss Doliehomitriopsisdivers@rmis Population

  • 摘要: 首次报道了苔藓类植物的能量生殖配置情况。在尖叶拟船藓(Doliehomitriopsis diversformis)种群整个生长周期中,各器官热值由大到小顺序为:雌器苞 (9305.1J/g)>成熟孢子体 (9196.1J/g)>配子体 (4075.6~6558.6J/g)。能量配置比例的顺序为:配子体 >孢子体 >雌器苞。配子体生长所分配的能量占绝对优势,成熟孢子体的能量配置仅为3.2%。实验结果表明:尖叶拟船叶藓生殖器官(雌器苞和孢子体)的能量配置较低,但具有较高 的热值,生殖期需要消耗较多的能量。


    Abstract: This is the first reporton energy all ocation pattern sin the bryophytes.Duirng the life cycle of Dolicho mitri opsisdiversi form is,energy value in different plan torgans followed the order:Perichaetium(9305.1J/g)>Sporophyte(9196.1J/g)>Gametophyte(from 4075.6 to 6558.6J/g).Energy alloca-tion to game to phyte accounted for the most proportion,while the eneryg allocation to mature sporophy tewas only3.2%.The energy allocation followed the order:Gametophyte>Sporophyte>Aperi chae tium.There sult sshowed:energy all ocation to there productive organ (perichaetium orsporophyte)was lowwhi lewith highenergy value sand the reproductive process of Dolichomitriopsis diversi form isneeded a lot of eneryg.


