Research progress on annotation and biological function of plant transposable elements
摘要: 转座元件是指在基因组中能够移动、复制并重新整合到基因组新位点的DNA片段。在植物中,多种类型的转座元件,特别是占比较高的LTR类逆转录转座元件,可以通过产生新基因和转录本、提供调节元件、改变基因结构等多种途径广泛调控基因表达,最终多维度有效推动基因组进化。同时,基因组测序组装技术的快速发展也为转座元件的检测、注释提供了良好契机。本文从结构分类、全基因组检测、功能研究、基因组进化4个方面对当前植物转座元件的研究进展进行综述,同时对今后的研究方向进行了展望。Abstract: Transposable elements (TEs) are fragments of DNA that can move, copy, and re-integrate into a new site in the genome. In plants, many types of TEs, especially abundant long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, can regulate gene expression in multiple ways, such as producing new genes and transcripts, providing regulatory elements, and changing gene structure. Ultimately, these changes promote plant genome evolution. At the same time, the rapid development of genome sequencing and assembly technology has provided a good opportunity for TE detection and annotation. In this review, we summarize current research progress on plant TEs from the perspectives of structural classification, whole-genome detection, functional research, and genome evolution. We also discuss future research directions and provide references for further plant TE study.
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