Research progress on establishment and application of genetic transformation system of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
摘要: 丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge)是我国一种传统的大宗中药材,主要活性成分丹参酮和丹酚酸被广泛用于治疗心脑血管等疾病。建立高效、稳定的遗传转化体系,对丹参进行定向改良,为丹参酮和丹酚酸类成分工业化生产及丹参药材产量与质量提高提供了可能。本文结合国内外的研究,对丹参遗传转化方法进行了系统总结,从外植体、培养基、菌液浓度等影响丹参遗传转化因素方面进行综述。对近5年丹参遗传转化研究的关键酶基因和转录因子进行归纳,并对未来的研究重点进行了展望。Abstract: Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge is a traditional Chinese medicine widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases due to its active components tanshinone and salvianolic acid. The establishment of an efficient and stable genetic transformation system and directional improvement of S. miltiorrhiza provide the possibility for industrial production of tanshinone and salvianolic acid and improvement in S. miltiorrhiza yield and quality. This paper studied both at home and abroad, and has carried on the system summary of S. miltiorrhiza genetic transformation method, from the explants, culture medium and the concentration of microbial factors affecting S. miltiorrhiza genetic transformation were summarized, for nearly five years of S.miltiorrhiza genetic transformation research, summarized the key enzyme genes and transcription factors. The future research focus was prospected to provide reference for improving the efficiency of genetic transformation and promoting the development of S. miltiorrhiza industry.
- Salvia miltiorrhiza /
- Genetic transformation /
- Regeneration /
- Transformation method
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