通过野外植被调查,结合文献资料,探讨了云南药山自然保护区种子植物区系的垂直分布格局。结果表明,温带区系成分所占比重,随着海拔的升高,总体上呈单调递增趋势,而热带区系成分所占比重呈单调递减格局;区系平衡点出现在海拔2000 m左右。在平衡点之下,植物区系以热带、亚热带区系成分为主,而在此之上,则以温带区系成分为主。区系成分的聚类分析表明,研究区域内植被垂直带谱主要由1500 m以下的干热河谷植被、1500~2000 m左右的云南松林、2000~2600 m的常绿阔叶林、2600~3100 m的硬叶常绿阔叶林、3100~3600 m的亚高山灌丛和3600 m以上的高寒草甸构成,这与传统的植被类型划分方法的结果基本一致。
Based on field survey and documented data,altitudinal patterns of floristic composition in Mountain Yao Nature Reserve were examined.The results indicated that proportions of temperate elements showed a monotonously increasing trend,while that of tropical elements decreased against altitudinal gradients.The floristic equilibrium point was found at the elevation of 2000 m above sea level.Under the floristic equilibrium point,the majority was of tropical flora,and while above the point,temperate flora was dominant.The cluster analysis based on floristic elements showed that vertical vegetation band was constituted by dry & hot valley vegetation(below 1500 m),Form.Pinus yunnanensis(1500-2000 m),evergreen-broad-leaved forest(2000-2600 m),hard-evergreen broad-leaved forest(2600-3100 m),subalpine shrub(3100-3600 m) and alpine meadow(above 3600 m).