分别用He-Ne激光(5.23 mW/mm2,5 min/d)和紫外-B辐射(UV-B,280~320 nm)(强度12μW/cm2,8 h/d)及二者复合处理红梗牛皮菜(Beta vulgarisvar.cicila),然后通过水解比色和高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分析叶中甲醇水溶性黄酮类化合物,并测定形态与生长指标。结果表明,UV-B辐射处理后黄酮类化合物含量增加到对照的160%,但激光复合处理后,则恢复到略高于对照的水平。其中槲皮素和黄酮在各处理组中变化非常显著,槲皮素在UV-B(B)、He-Ne激光(L)及二者复合(BL)处理后被大量诱导;而黄酮仅在对照组(CK)和L组出现。分析表明,He-Ne激光与UV-B辐射一样,对黄酮类化合物的诱导是具有选择性的,具有高UV吸收并具较高抗氧化作用的化合物更容易被诱导。因此He-Ne激光很可能通过这种选择机制来减轻UV-B导致的伤害。
Under enhanced UV-B radiation,the effect of He-Ne laser(5.23 mW/mm2,5 min/d) radiation on component,content of the flavonoids and growth parameters in Beta vulgaris var.cicila L.were studied.The content of methanol-soluble flavonoids in leaves were determined by using the method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).The results showed that the total falvonoids content treated by UV-B radiation(B) were increased to 160% compared with that of control(CK,no UV-B radiation),while it was only slightly higher in laser and UV-B combined treatment group(BL).There was no quercetin in leaves of CK,while it was induced substantively by He-Ne laser(L),UV-B radiation and their combined treatment.Meanwhile,flavone could be found only in leaves of CK and L group.The results suggested that the induction of UV-B absorb substance by He-Ne laser is selective,which is similar to that of UV-B radiation.Thus,it is very likely that this selective mechanism is the way by which the He-Ne laser treatment alleviated the damage of UV-B radiation.