

Benthic Algal Communities Distribution in the Littoral Zone of Yunnan Plateau Lakes

  • 摘要: 对云南6个高原湖泊沿岸带底栖藻类的群落结构、现存量等进行了调查,研究期间发现底栖藻类群落主要由绿藻门的刚毛藻(Cladophora spp. )和硅藻门的一些附植种类组成,除硅藻群落在泸沽湖占优势外,其它湖泊中绿藻群落的相对比率高于硅藻。底栖藻类现存量(chl a)以星云湖最高(24μg•cm-2);底栖硅藻密度以泸沽湖的鸟岛最高,为9.3×106cells•cm-2。分析不同湖泊底栖硅藻的群落结构发现:底栖硅藻Epithemia sorexCocconeis klamathensis分别是泸沽湖和抚仙湖的绝对优势种,Amphora pediculus是阳宗海和滇池金宝的绝对优势种,洱海、星云湖和滇池又一村的优势种类较多,其中相对丰富度较高的主要是一些附植性种类。结果表明沿岸带的光照、营养水平和基质类型可能是影响底栖藻类群落分布的主要环境因子。


    Abstract: Communities structure,standing crops of benthic algae were investigated in the littoral zone of 6 Yunnan plateau lakes,and benthic algae communities were composed of Cladophora spp.of green algae and some epilithic species of diatom during the studying period,the diatom communities was dominated in the Lake Luguhu,the percent of green algae communities was higher than diatom communities in the other lakes.The standing crops(chl a)of benthic algae and the density of benthic diatom was highest in the Lake Xingyunhu(24 μg•cm-2) and in the Lake Luguhu-Niaodao respectively,reached maximum development in numbers of 9.3×106 cells•cm-2.The study found the benthic diatom Epithemia sorex and Cocconeis klamathensis were the dominant indicator taxa separately in the Lake Luguhu and Fuxianhu,Amphora pediculus was the most abundant species in the Lake Yangzonghai and Dianchi-gingbao,There were a lot of the dominant taxon in the Lakes Erhai,Xingyunhu,Dianchi-youyicun,whereas the higher relative abundance taxon in these lakes were epilithic.The results pointed out that the environmental factors,such as nutrient enrichment,littoral zone sunlight and substrate types were very important in controlling community distribution.


