Genetic Variation Analysis by RAPD of Beer Barley in China
摘要: 采用RAPD技术对中国38个啤酒大麦品种的遗传资源进行了聚类分析。结果表明:从筛选出的28个有多态性的随机引物中,共扩增出153条谱带,其中91条谱带具有多态性,占59.4%。每个引物可扩增出1~8条多态性谱带,平均3.3条。聚类分析表明,在遗传距离GD值0.27水平上38个啤酒大麦品种可聚成两大类,下分5个亚类。品种间遗传距离GD变幅为0.00952~0.37846。RAPD标记揭示出这38个啤酒大麦品种遗传变异较小,遗传基础比较狭窄。Abstract: The genetic relationships among 38 genotypes of beer barley from China were investigated by RAPD.The results showed that 28 arbitrary primers produced 153 distinctive bands in total and 91 of them were found to be polymorphic,which accounted for 59.4%.Each primer could amplify 1 to 8 polymorphic bands with an average of 3.3 bands.Cluster analysis showed that 38 beer barley could be classified into 2 groups at the level of GD 0.27,which were respectively classified into 5 subgroups again.The GD varied from 0.00952 to 0.37846. Most beer barley had showed certain regular distribution in every subgroup.The results indicated that the genetic basis of them was rather narrow.