

罗玉兰, 张冬梅, 陈伟峰

罗玉兰, 张冬梅, 陈伟峰. 野蔷薇一变种红刺玫的细胞学研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(6): 561-566.
引用本文: 罗玉兰, 张冬梅, 陈伟峰. 野蔷薇一变种红刺玫的细胞学研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(6): 561-566.
LUO Yu-Lan, ZHANG Dong-Mei, CHEN Wei-Feng. Study on the Cytology of Rosa multiflora Thunb.var.cathayensis[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(6): 561-566.
Citation: LUO Yu-Lan, ZHANG Dong-Mei, CHEN Wei-Feng. Study on the Cytology of Rosa multiflora Thunb.var.cathayensis[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(6): 561-566.



    张冬梅, E-mail:zdm0512@sohu.com

  • 中图分类号: Q942;S685.12

Study on the Cytology of Rosa multiflora Thunb.var.cathayensis

  • 摘要: 以野蔷薇的一变种红刺玫(Rosa multiflora Thunb.var.cathayensis Rehd.)为材料,对其染色体数和花粉母细胞的减数分裂进程进行了研究。结果表明:红刺玫染色体数目为2n=3x=21,为三倍体;减数分裂始于4月上旬,此时花苞开始膨大、但未开裂,花瓣由绿变成黄色;在同一花药中,花粉母细胞的减数分裂并不同步,可以观察到前期到末期Ⅱ之间各个时期的分裂相;在其减数分裂过程中存在诸如单价体、染色体桥、落后染色体等一系列异常现象。实验还从细胞遗传学上分析了红刺玫育性与花粉母细胞减数分裂异常的关系,部分可育花粉的存在为红刺玫育种实践提供了有用的材料。
    Abstract: The chromosome number and meiosis of Rosa multiflora var.cathayensis were studied.First at all,the triploid of Rosa multiflora var.cathayensis was confirmed(2n=3x=21).Secondly,it was observed that the meiosis of Rosa multiflora var.cathayensis began at the first ten days of April.At this time,the blossom buds began to swell,but not dehiscent.The color of petals changed from green to yellow.The meiotic behaviors of pollen mother cells were non-synchronism,meiosis phase from prophase to telophaseⅡ could be found in the same anther.The abnormal phenomena of meiosis such as univalent,chromosome bridges and lagging chromosomes were observed.Finally,the relation between the fertility and the abnormal pollen mother cells was conducted on the cytogenetics.The fertile pollens are useful for Rosa multiflora var.cathayensis breeding practice.
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  • 收稿日期:  2008-02-01
  • 修回日期:  2008-06-19
  • 发布日期:  2008-12-29


