Oxytropis prostrata(Pall.) DC.,A New Record of Leguminosae from Inner Mongolia,China
摘要: 平卧棘豆Oxrytropis prostrata(Pall.)DC.主要分布于蒙古和俄罗斯,最近发现在中国的呼伦贝尔草原区也有分布,属于中国新记录种。该种主要特征为茎基部多分枝,托叶大部分与叶柄合生,密被白色柔毛,小叶先端钝圆或微凹,龙骨瓣先端喙长约2 mm,子房和荚果光滑无毛。Abstract: Oxytropis prostrata(Pall.)DC.,occurring in eastern Mongolia and eastern Siberia of Russia,was discovered recently in Hulunber of Inner Mongolia,China.It is characterized by the following traits: individuals prostrate,stipules adnate to a petiole or thickly covered with villi,apex of leaflet obtuse to emarginate,beak of keel ca.2 mm long,legumes and ovaries glabrous.