利用显微及透射和扫描电镜方法,研究了黄瓜对霜霉菌[Pseudoperonospora cubensis(Berk.et Curt.)Rostow.]的抗性机理,结果如下:抗病与感病品种叶表面的气孔密度和大小无明显区别,而病菌分生孢子在叶表面萌发情况有差异。抗病品种被病菌侵染后,细胞迅速颗粒化,与病菌一起死亡,两个侵染点之间的叶肉细胞大量繁殖,细胞中叶绿体减少,膜系统受到破坏,壁增厚,叶表面出现少量很小的病斑;中抗品种表现为少量菌丝蔓延,并产生分生孢子囊梗和孢子,受侵细胞的线粒体和叶绿体膜系统被破坏,随后内细胞和菌丝死亡,但比抗病品种慢,在叶表面形成很多病斑;感病品种表现为叶肉细胞内有大量菌丝蔓延,并产生分生孢子囊梗和孢子,受侵细胞被破坏、解体成碎片,最后与菌丝一起死亡,在叶表面联成大量的病斑。
The reasons for resistance of cucumber to P. cubensis are studied with the methods of microscope, transmission and scanning electron microscope, results are as follows:1. There is no distinct difference in stomata density and size on leaf surface between resistant and susceptible cultivars, but the fungous spots of P. cubensis are difference of germination on leaf surface. 2. The cytological changes in infected leaves:When resistant cultivars are infected by P. cubensis, the infected cells break down into particles rapidly, both cells and fungous die. The mesophyll cells between two infected spots largely multiply. In these cells, the number of chloroplast decreases and membrane system are destroied, cell walls thickened.There are a few very small necroses on leaf surface.When middle resistant cultivar is infected by P. cubensis, a few fungi trail among mesophyll cells and produce some sporangiophores and sporangia. The membranes system of mitochondria and chloroplast in the infected cells are destroied, then infected cells and all fungi die. Dying is slower than that of resistant cultivars.There are a lot of large necroses on leaf surface.When susceptible cultivar is infected by P. cubensis, large numbers of fungi trail among mesophyll cells,and mature fungi can produce many conidiophores and conidiosporangia. After infected cells break down into fragments gradually and die at last due to fungous parasitism, fungi infect adjacent healthy cells.There are a great number of large necroses on leaf surface, and necroses often join into larger ones.