Taishan mountain is located in central Shandong Province.There are 757 species seed plants belonging to 407 genera and 100 families (3 sp.of 3 gen.among 2 fam.of gymnosperms and 754 sp.of 404 gen.among 98 fam.of angiosperms) in this flora.In the 407 genera, there are 11 world monotypic genera and 40 world oligotypic ones, which make up 12.5% of the total.Most of them are phylogenetically ancient or primitive.This means the seed plants flora of Taishan mountain is characteristically of ancient origin.According to Prof.C.Y.Wu’s theory on the areal-types of the genera of China’s seed plants flora, all the 407 genera in this flora can be classified to 15 types, mainly comosing of North Temperate(34.5%),Pantropic(19.1%),Old World Temperate(14.3%)and East Asia(10.1%).The genera of temperate areal-types make up 72.2%,taking a predominated position, while those of tropical ones only acount for 27.8%,which shows that the seed plants flora of Taishan mountain is of a temperate feature,and has something with tropical flora.