Jiaomuxi is located in the Wuling Mountains,in northwestern Hunan,at 28°53’19″N and 111°23’42″E. The demarcation line between northwestern and south-eastern distribution is across Wulongyan to the main peak of Guoguolao (alt.1200 m ).The common elements,in north-western of part above 900 m alt.,are mainly the temperate and subtropical groups.The common elements, in south-eastern part, are mainly the subtropical and some temperate groups. The flora of Jiaomuxi consists of 817 species (Containing varieties) of vascular plants belonging to 149 families and 418 genera, of these, 85 species belonging to 48 families and 71 genera are not recorded in “The List of Hunan Flora” published in 1987. It shows that species is abundant in the flora of Jiaomuxi. The tropical relation is obvious in the flora. The distributive elements of genera based on seed plants are mostly subtropical and temperate groups.The distributive elements of species, but,are mainly tropical and subtropical groups.The former is 51.4%,and the lates is 23.9% in total species in the flora.The geographical elements of Jiaomuxi Flora based on seed plants genera are relatively complicated.It has 13 types of geographical elements, which are mostly Pantropic(17.4%),N.Temperate (17.2%),E. Asia (15.5%),and Tropical Asia (10.5%)elements,Chinese Endemic ( 4.3%).Jiaomuxi has many elements of Huazhong. The woody plants are superiority in the flora. The woody plants are 55.9%in total vascular plants and 60% in total seed plants in the flora. The herbs are 21.3%,and the lianes are 22.5%,in total vascular plant species in the flora.But the big lianes are very few.The similar coefficient between Jiaomuxi and Huaping (Guangxi), Fan-jingshan (Guizhou),S. Tongdao County (Hunan),and Sbennongjia(Hubei), are higher than the those between it and Lushan (Jiangxi) and Chebaling (Guangdong).Last,we suggest:1. to establish a Jiaomuxi natural reservation, and 2.to develop
Magnolia liliflora and
Picrasma quassioides.