

Study on the Vessel Elements and Its Perforation Plate of Secondary Xylem in Ziziphus mauritiana

  • 摘要: 运用细胞图象分析系统及显微照相的方法对台湾青枣Ziziphus mauritiana 次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。在台湾青枣的次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式,并且导管分子穿孔板存在着3种类型:两端均为一个单穿孔板;一端为一个单穿孔板,另一端为梯状穿孔板;具纤毛的单穿孔板。分别对其进行了描述,并从导管分子个体发育与系统发育的角度进行了讨论,认为3种类型的穿孔板为导管分子穿孔板的系统演化提供了新的证据。


    Abstract: The vessel elements of secondary xylem in Ziziphus mauritiana was observed by bio-microscope image analysis system and micrography.The results show that there are various patterns of vessel elements and three types of perforation plates: both ends of the vessel element aresimple perforation plate;one end is simple perforation and the other is scalariform perforation;the simple perforation with cilia in Z.mauritiana.It is discussed that the ontogeny and phylogenesis of vessel elements in Z.mauritiana.The new evidence was provide on the phylogenesis of perforation.


