荷叶铁线蕨(Adiantum reniformevar.sinense)是三峡库区特有植物,国家二级保护物种,仅分布于重庆市万州区和石柱县。采用随机样方法对该物种的生境和群落特征进行了调查,讨论了十多年来该物种的种群动态和群落演替,并提出了适宜的保护对策。研究结果表明:荷叶铁线蕨主要集中分布在武陵、新乡、燕山、溪口等乡镇,位于长江两岸纵深5km内、海拔80~480m之间的低山丘陵地区;该物种的野生资源量已锐减,其种群正急剧缩小,种群平均密度仅为0.55蔸/m2;大多数分布点位于河沟边西南坡向的崖壁或灌丛中,光照和空气湿度对该物种的生长较为重要;该物种在群落中处于伴生地位,其所在群落有4种类型,即:化香-槲栎-芒群落(Ass.Platycaryastrobilacea-Quercusaliena-Miscanthussinensis)、盐肤木-鸢尾群落(Ass.Rhuschinensis-Irisjaponica)、水麻-细穗腹水草群落(Ass.Debregeasiaedulis-Veronicastrumstenostachyum)和黄荆条-海金沙群落(Ass.Vitexnegundo-Lygodiumjaponicum);荷叶铁线蕨所在群落共有物种189种,其中乔木5种、灌木86种、草本89种、藤本9种,且多为单叶和落叶类型,生活型以高位芽植物为主。在综合分析荷叶铁线蕨分布现状和特点的基础上,提出了相应的保护对策。
Adiantum reniforme var.sinense is an endemic species distributed only in Wanzhou District and Shizhu County of Chongqing in the Three-Gorge Reservoir Region, and is listed as the national second-class protected species in the Red Data Book of Plants in China. Random sampling method is used to study the community structure and habitat characterics of this species in this paper. The results show that the distribution range of A. reniforme var. sinense is localized in both sides of the Yangtze River from Shizhu to Wanzhou. The range of altitude is from 80 m to 480 m. The amount of populations of this species is few and the mean density is 055 cluster/m2. Distribution localities of A. reniforme var. sinense are disappearing due to anthropogenic activities. Most of the localities are on the southwest slope aspect near streams. The plant community where A. reniforme var. sinense grow in can be divided into 4 types, i.e.Platycarya strobilacea-Quercus aliena-Miscanthus sinensis community, Rhus chinensis-Iris japonica community, Debregeasia edulis-Veronicastrum stenostachyum community and Vitex negundo-Lygodium japonicum community. There are 189 species with deciduous, simple-leaved and phaenerophyte abundant in the community, consisting of 5 trees, 86 shrubs,89 herbs and 9 lianas. Based on the present studies of A.reniforme var.sinense,we put forward measures for the conservation of the species.