Studies on the Development of Gametophyte in Matteuccia orientalis
摘要: 报道在光学显微镜下,观察到的东方荚果蕨配子体发育的过程。培养5 d左右孢子萌发;丝状体单列细胞;片状体发育方式为槲蕨型(Drynaria type);成熟雄配子体近心形,成熟雌配子体呈阔圆心形;毛状体由1~3个细胞组成;精子器发育方式为水龙骨科型(Polypod iaceae type);配子体中部及基部细胞内存在哑铃型叶绿体;在近原丝体细胞中,可观察到极不规则的叶绿体;假根单细胞,丝状。Abstract: Gametophytic development of Matteuccia orientalis(Hook.) Trev.was studied by the microscope.The spores germinate about 5 days after cultured.The germ filaments develop are uniseriate.The prothallial development is of Drynaria type.Mature male prochallu are approximately cordate and mature female prochallu are broad-round cordate.Hairs consist of 1~3 cells.Antheridia development is of the Polypodiaceae type.Dumbbell-like chloroplasts locate in middle and basal cells of prochallu.Extraordina-(rily) irregular chloroplasts are observed near germ filament of prochallu.Rhizoids develop are unicellular and filiform.Content of this paper provides basal data for systemic biology and cytobiology.
- Matteuccia orientalis /
- Gametophyte /
- Development
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