
微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.)茎段的无性繁殖特点研究

袁龙义, 李伟, 刘贵华, 范国兰, 厉恩华, 许经伟

袁龙义, 李伟, 刘贵华, 范国兰, 厉恩华, 许经伟. 微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.)茎段的无性繁殖特点研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2006, 24(4): 339-343.
引用本文: 袁龙义, 李伟, 刘贵华, 范国兰, 厉恩华, 许经伟. 微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.)茎段的无性繁殖特点研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2006, 24(4): 339-343.
YUAN Long-Yi, LI Wei, LIU Gui-Hua, FAN Guo-Lan, LI En-Hua, XU Jing-Wei. The Vegetative Reproductive Characteristics of Stem Fragments in Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2006, 24(4): 339-343.
Citation: YUAN Long-Yi, LI Wei, LIU Gui-Hua, FAN Guo-Lan, LI En-Hua, XU Jing-Wei. The Vegetative Reproductive Characteristics of Stem Fragments in Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2006, 24(4): 339-343.

微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.)茎段的无性繁殖特点研究


    李伟, E-mail:liwei@rose.whiob.ac.cn.

  • 中图分类号: Q945.51

The Vegetative Reproductive Characteristics of Stem Fragments in Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.

  • 摘要: 匍匐茎型的沉水植物微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.)在自然生境中的繁殖方式主要是无性繁殖,彼此相连的分株通常受到水流、草食性鱼类和人为干扰的影响导致分离或者枝条片断化,片断化的枝条在新的生境中再生进行繁殖。实验模拟微齿眼子菜枝条的片断化来验证假设:微齿眼子菜直立茎段与匍匐茎段的无性繁殖能力是否一致,茎段可能有一个最小长度来保证它的存活,并且茎段着泥的方向也会影响它的成活率。实验结果表明:直立茎段与匍匐茎段的成活率、生物量有显著差异,而且茎段的长度显著影响它们的成活率、生物量,而直立茎段与匍匐茎段克隆株的每株分枝数没有显著差异;直立茎段比匍匐茎段更易成株成活,茎段的长度越长,成活率越高,具有3个节间的茎段成活率接近100%;同时茎段着泥的方向显著影响茎段成活率、所产生抽条的株高以及可产生抽条的节数,对总生物量没有显著影响,而对根的生物量有显著影响;茎段正向着泥有利于它们的成活率、定植能力提高。
    Abstract: The submerged macrophyte Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn.,with above-ground stolons,predominantly propagates by vegetative means in nature.Interconnected ramets frequently become separated or fragmentized by grazing fish or human activities.The segments can regenerate in new habitats to regrow into new individuals.The breakage of stem connections of P.maackianus was simulated to test if the survival and growth of the segments were affected by the fragment types(stolon type vs.shoot type) and their anchoring directions;and if a possible minimal length was needed to guarantee the regeneration of new individuals.The results showed that the survival rates and biomass of the individuals developed from stolon and shoot fragments of P.maackianus were significantly different and were obviously affected by the length of the fragments;but the number of the shoots germinating from the two types of fragments was similar.The shoot fragments can produce more younger ramets than stolon ones with the same internode number.The longer the fragments the larger the survival ramet rates.All most all the fragments of P.maackianus used in our experiment with 4 nodes can survive to new shoots.The directions of fragment anchoring significantly affected the ramet survival rates,the length of ramets,the node number bearing shoots and the root biomass;but little effects were found for the total ramet biomass.Their(survival) rates and anchoring ability of the fragments were favored by the normal direction of anchoring.
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  • 收稿日期:  2006-02-19
  • 修回日期:  2006-06-29
  • 发布日期:  2006-08-25


