Newly recorded species of Gomphonema from the Hengduan Mountains in China
报道了横断山区异极藻属(Gomphonema)硅藻中国新记录18种,分别为:缠结异极藻头端变种(G. intricatum var. capitata Hustedt)、变窄异极藻(G. angustius Reichardt)、非洲异极藻(G. afrhombicum Reichardt)、假中间异极藻(G. pseudointermedium Reichardt)、尖顶型异极藻(G. auguriforme Levkov)、加利福尼亚异极藻(G. californicum Stancheva & Kociolek)、近拉蒂科尔异极藻(G. sublaticollum Reichardt)、球顶异极藻(G. sphenovertex Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt)、威尔斯科异极藻(G. wiltschkorum Lange-Bertalot)、瓦尔达异极藻(G. vardarense Reichardt)、微小异极藻(G. parvuliforme Lange-Bertalot)、细小异极藻(G. parvuloides Cholnoky)、维多利亚异极藻(G. lacus-victoriensis Reichardt)、尤卡塔尼异极藻(G. yucatanense Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot)、窄头异极藻(G. angusticephalum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot)、长贝尔塔异极藻(G. lange-bertalotii Reichardt)、中间异极藻(G. intermedium Hustedt)和中亚异极藻(G. medioasiae Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & Nergui)。本研究对新记录种的形态特征进行了详细描述,给出了每个种的地理分布、生境信息和理化指标,并对新记录种及其相似种的形态特征进行了讨论。
Abstract:This paper reports 18 new records of diatoms from the genus Gomphonema in the Hengduan Mountains of China, including G. intricatum var. capitata Hustedt, G. angustius Reichardt, G. afrhombicum Reichardt, G. pseudointermedium Reichardt, G. auguriforme Levkov, G. californicum Stancheva & Kociolek, G. sublaticollum Reichardt, G. sphenovertex Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt, G. wiltschkorum Lange-Bertalot, G. vardarense Reichardt, G. parvuliforme Lange-Bertalot, G. parvuloides Cholnoky, G. lacus-victoriensis Reichardt, G. yucatanense Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot, G. angusticephalum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot, G. lange-bertalotii Reichardt, G. intermedium Hustedt, and G. medioasiae Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & Nergui. Detailed descriptions of the morphological characteristics, geographical distribution, habitat preferences, and physicochemical indices for each species are provided. Furthermore, comparative analyses of the morphological characteristics of the newly recorded species and their closely related counterparts are discussed.
- Diatoms /
- Hengduan Mountains /
- Gomphonema /
- New records
图版Ⅰ 缠结异极藻头端变种、变窄异极藻和非洲异极藻。
图版Ⅰ. Gomphonema intricatum var. capitata, G. angustius and G. afrhombicum.
1-7, 17: G. intricatum var. capitata (1-7: Light microscopy images. 17: Scanning electron microscopy images, external valve view). 8-13, 15-16: G. angustius (8-13: Light microscopy images. 15-16: Scanning electron microscopy images; 15: Internal valve view of central area, A is stigma; 16: External valve view). 14: G. afrhombicum (Light microscopy images).
图版Ⅱ 假中间异极藻、尖顶型异极藻和加利福尼亚异极藻。
图版Ⅱ. Gomphonema. pseudointermedium, G. auguriforme and G. californicum.
1-10, 24: G. pseudointermedium (1-10: Light microscopy images. 24: Scanning electron microscopy images, external valve view). 11-13: G. auguriforme (Light microscopy images). 14-23: G. californicum (14-21: Light microscopy images. 22-23: Scanning electron microscopy images; 22: Internal valve view of central area, A is stigma; 23: External valve view).
图版Ⅲ 近拉蒂科尔异极藻、球顶异极藻、威尔斯科异极藻和瓦尔达异极藻。
图版Ⅲ. Gomphonema sublaticollum, G. sphenovertex, G. wiltschkorum, and G. vardarense.
1-4: G. sublaticollum (Light microscopy images). 5-9, 24: G. sphenovertex (5-9: Light microscopy images. 24: External valve view). 10-11: G. wiltschkorum (Light microscopy images). 12-23: G. vardarense (12-21: Light microscopy images. 22-23: Scanning electron microscopy images; 22: Internal valve view; 23: External valve view, A is stigma).
图版Ⅳ 微小异极藻、细小异极藻、维多利亚异极藻和尤卡塔尼异极藻。
图版Ⅳ. Gomphonema parvuliforme, G. parvuloides, G. lacus-victoriensis, and G. yucatanense.
1-7, 23: G. parvuliforme (1-7: Light microscopy images. 23: Scanning electron microscopy images, external valve view, A is stigma). 8-12, 24: G. parvuloides: (8-12: Light microscopy images. 24: Scanning electron microscopy images, external valve view). 13-18, 25: G. lacus-victoriensis Victoria (13-18: Light microscopy images. 25: Scanning electron microscopy images, internal valve view). 19-22, 26: G. yucatanense (19-22: Light microscopy images. 26: Scanning electron microscopy images, external valve view).
图版Ⅴ 窄头异极藻和长贝尔塔异极藻。
图版Ⅴ. Gomphonema angusticephalum and G. lange-bertalotii.
1-3, 15, 16, 18: G. angusticephalum (1-3: Light microscopy images. 15, 16, 18: Scanning electron microscopy images; 15: Internal valve view of central area, B is stigma; 16: External valve view of distant raphe end and apical pore field; 18: External valve view). 4-14, 17: G. lange-bertalotii (4-12: Light microscopy images. 13, 14, 17: Scanning electron microscopy images; 13: Distant raphe end, A is apical pore field; 14: External valve view; 17: Internal valve view).
图版Ⅵ 中间异极藻和中亚异极藻。
图版Ⅵ. Gomphonema intermedium and G. medioasiae.
1-13, 30-32: G. intermedium (1-13: Light microscopy images. 30-32: Scanning electron microscopy images; 30: External valve view; 31: External valve view; 32: Girdle view). 14-29: G. medioasiae (14-26: Light microscopy images. 27-29: Scanning electron microscopy images; 27: Internal valve view of central area, A is stigma; 28: External valve view; 29: Internal valve view).
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