

Naming history, classification and characteristics of species from the genus Vallisneria in China

  • 摘要: 由于苦草属(Vallisneria L.)植物的繁殖器官微小,营养器官相似且变异较大,使该属植物的鉴定和命名较混乱。笔者通过对有关文献的考证和长期跟踪观察,对我国记载的苦草属3种植物——苦草(Vallisneria natans(Lour.)Hara)、刺苦草(V.spinulosa Yan)、密刺苦草(V.denseserrulata Makino)的命名历史进行了梳理,并对这3种植物的形态特征进行了详细描述。根据种间形态差异,可为苦草属植物的分类鉴定和相关研究提供一定的参考。


    Abstract: Identification and classification of the genus Vallisneria is confusing due to the small reproductive organs, similar vegetative organs, and large variation. Based on relevant literature and long-term follow-up observations, the naming history of three species of Vallisneria in China, i.e., Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, V. spinulosa Yan, and V. denseserrulata Makino, was clarified and their taxonomic characters were described in detail. The morphological differences between these species should provide a reference for the classification and identification of the genus Vallisneria.


