

Differential eco-physiological responses to waterlogging and salinity stresses between Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry and Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels seedlings

  • 摘要: 河口河岸带及海岸带植物易受到水淹和盐复合胁迫的影响。本研究设置水淹、盐(350 mmol/L)、水淹-盐复合胁迫(175 mmol/L)3种胁迫处理,比较水翁(Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry)和乌墨(Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels)两种耐水淹能力较强的植物幼苗对不同胁迫的生理生态响应差异。结果显示,3种胁迫方式处理24 d后,均降低了两物种的株高增长量、叶面积、总生物量、根系活力、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)等指标,而相对电导率、过氧化物酶(POD)活性上升。水淹胁迫下,两物种胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)随时间的延长持续下降。盐、水淹-盐复合胁迫下,两物种Ci随时间的延长先降后升。此外,与水淹相比,水淹-盐复合胁迫显著降低了两物种的叶面积、总生物量、PnTrGs,而根冠比、相对电导率、POD活性显著上升。与乌墨相比,水翁幼苗在水淹胁迫下能够形成不定根,具有较高的根系活力、光合作用效率、POD活性以及更小的膜损伤,耐水淹能力较强;而乌墨幼苗在盐、水淹-盐复合胁迫下相比水翁具有较高的叶面积、生物量、根系活力、PnTrGs、超氧化物歧化酶、POD活性以及更低的丙二醛含量,耐盐能力较强。


    Abstract: Plants grown in coastal and estuarine riparian zones are vulnerable to combined waterlogging and salt stresses. In this study, three stress treatments, including waterlogging, salinity (350 mmol/L), and combined salinity-waterlogging (175 mmol/L), were used to compare the eco-physiological responses of Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry and Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels seedlings, two plant species with strong waterlogging tolerance, to different stress conditions. Results showed that after 24 d, plant height growth, leaf area, total biomass, root activity, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), and stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased in both species under all three treatments, while leaf relative conductivity and peroxidase (POD) activity increased. In the waterlogging treatment, intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) continuously declined with treatment duration in both species. In the salinity treatment and combined salinity-waterlogging treatment, Ci decreased at first and then increased. Compared to the waterlogging treatment, the combined salinity-waterlogging treatment resulted in a significant reduction in leaf area, total biomass, Pn, Tr, and Gs in both species, but a significant increase in root shoot ratio, relative conductivity, and POD activity. Compared with S. cumini, C. operculatus seedlings formed adventitious roots after 24 d of waterlogging treatment, and exhibited higher root, and POD activities, with less membrane damage. Thus, C. operculatus possessed stronger waterlogging resistance than S. cumini. However, compared to C. operculatus seedlings, S. cumini demonstrated higher leaf area, biomass, root activity, photosynthesis efficiency, superoxide dismutase and POD activities, but lower malondialdehyde content under salinity and combined salinity-waterlogging treatments. Therefore, S. cumini showed stronger salt tolerance compared to C. operculatus.


