

Study on the flowering biological characteristics of three Rhododendron species

  • 摘要: 为提高杜鹃(Rhododendron)杂交育种效率,采用实地观测法并结合显微亚显微观测对映山红(R. simsii Planch.)、溪畔杜鹃(R. rivulare Hand.-Mazz.)和毛棉杜鹃(R. moulmainense Hook.)的开放动态、花部特征、不同开放时期花粉活力及柱头可授性等开花生物学特性进行研究。结果显示:(1)3种杜鹃花期存在不遇的情况,映山红花期为3月中旬至4月初,20~25 d,单花花期11~15 d;溪畔杜鹃花期为4月中旬至5月中旬,约30 d,单花花期12~15 d;毛棉杜鹃花期为4月中旬至5月初,15~20 d,单花花期8~13 d。(2)3种杜鹃雄蕊形态特征相似,颜色存在较大差异;花粉均为复合型四合体,表面具粘丝,可将花粉连接成串丝状;映山红花粉活力最强时期为花冠平展期(82.77%),溪畔杜鹃为喧蕾期(55.66%),毛棉杜鹃则在初开期花粉活力达到最高(81.86%)。(3)3种杜鹃花柱形态特征相似,颜色存在较大差异;柱头表面乳突细胞随开花进程均呈先皱缩而后逐渐平整饱满到最后干瘪、解体的变化;柱头可授性均呈先增强后减弱的趋势,溪畔杜鹃在初开期就具有较强可授性,映山红和毛棉杜鹃均在花冠平展期有强可授性;均可根据柱头形态特征判断可授性强弱。(4)3种杜鹃均为雄蕊先熟,雌蕊后熟。


    Abstract: To enhance the efficiency of cross-breeding in Rhododendron, the flowering biological characteristics of three Rhododendron species were studied through field observation and microscopic/submicroscopic analyses. The study focused on flowering dynamics, flower traits, pollen viability, and stigma receptivity at different developmental stages. Results showed that: (1) The three Rhododendron species exhibited asynchronous flowering periods, with R. simsii flowering from mid-March to early April (approximately 20 to 25 d) and single flowers lasting 11–15 d, R. rivulare flowering from mid-April to mid-May (approximately 30 d) and single flowers lasting 12–15 d, and R. moulmainense flowering from mid-April to early May (approximately 15–20 d) and single flowers lasting 8–13 d. (2) The stamen morphology of the three species was similar, although flower colors varied significantly. The pollen in all three species formed compound tetrads, and distinct morphological changes were observed at different flower opening stages. The pollen surface exhibited sticky filaments, which connected the grains into filamentous strings. The highest pollen activity in R. simsii occurred during the petal flat extension period, reaching 82.77%, while R. rivulare achieved 55.66% viability in the bud stage and R. moulmainense reached 81.86% viability in the ready-to-open period. (3) The style morphology was similar across the three species, but notable color differences were present. Throughout development, the anthers and stigmas of all three species displayed wrinkled surface cells, which gradually became plumper, flatter, and eventually disintegrated. Stigma receptivity was initially strong but decreased over time. The stigma of R. rivulare exhibited strong receptivity at the beginning of the ready-to-open stage, while the stigmas of R. simsii and R. moulmainense exhibited strong receptivity during the petal flat extension period. Receptivity could be assessed based on morphological changes. (4) In all three species, the stamens matured before the pistils, with the latter ripening later.


