A newly recorded species of Poaceae from China: Hordeum murinum subsp. leporinum (Link) Arcang.
摘要: 本文对在我国新发现的外来入侵植物地中海大麦(Hordeum murinum subsp. leporinum (Link) Arcang.)进行了形态特征描述,也提供该亚种的彩色图和墨线图,编制了亚种检索表以示区别。实地调查发现,本亚种的传播方式主要是车辆、人或动物的携带。评估结果表明,该物种在中国有大面积爆发扩散的潜在危险,需要引起足够重视。Abstract: Hordeum murinum subsp. leporinum (Link) Arcang., an invasive plant newly recorded in China, is described. A key for identifying the three subspecies of Hordeum murinum, including subsp. murinum, along with ink drawings and color photographs, is provided. Field surveys revealed that the plant spreads through vehicles, humans, and animals. The potential risk of its large-scale expansion warrants increased attention in China.