Houhe is a nature reserve in Hubei Province. It is situaed 30°3'20"~30°6'15"N. latitude, 110°29'40"~110°34'20"E. longitude in the Southwest Hubei. The total area of the reserve is about 2067 hm
2. Fourteen-hundred and sixteen vascular plant species including subspecies and varieties were found in the reserve. The species belong to 568 genera in 160 families including 20 families, 28 genera and 41 spedes of Pteradophytes; 6 families, 11 genera and 18 species of gymnosperms; 134 families, 529 genera and 1375 species of angiosperms. The statistics and comparatively intensive analyses at different levels, as familiar,generic,and specific, were conducted. Based on the statistics and analyses, the results show that the floral characteristics of the Houhe Nature Reserve are rich in flora,dlversity of species,archalc,rellc and primitive in flora,concentrated distribution of temperate components in flora,and special characteristics of community of the great majority of archaic,relic,primitive plants in a concentrated area. According to the statistics and analyses,the florae of the Houhe Nature Reserve should be considered as a typical representative in the florae of Hubei Province and Central China. Also,it is reasonable to consider the Houhe Nature Reserve in the Southwest Hubei as one of the centers where North Temperate flora originated,differentiated,and dispersed.