Study on the Flora of Culai Mountain in Shandong Province
摘要: 徂徕山植物区系是鲁中南植物区系的典型代表之一,具以下特征:植物种类丰富,共有维管植物114科,368属,640种;科、属组成的优势现象明显;区系具有一定的古老性,但特有程度低;单种属和寡种属数量较多;区系地理成分复杂,分布类型丰富多样;温带成分优势明显,热带成分丰富,说明本区系与热带植物区系有较高的亲缘关系并显示出植物交汇的特点。Abstract: The flora of Culai Mountain is one of the typical representatives of the Southcentral of Shandong Province with characteristics as follows:it is abundant of species,containing 640 species of 368 genera,belonging to 114 families;it is notable in dominant family and genus phenomenon;the flora is ancient and it has not obvious phenomenon of endemic species;the single-species and few-species genera of the angiosperm are rich;the types of distribution are various and geographical elements are complex;the dominance of temperate elements is obvious and tropical elements are plentiful,this means that it has something in common with tropical flora and it indicates the characteristics of plants crossing.
- Culai Mountain /
- Flora /
- Plant crossing
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