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1985  Vol. 3  No. 3

The present paper deals with a study of the karyotype analysis of 5 species of genus Picea.The chromosome count and karyotypes of 4 species are reported for the first time,the numbers of chromosome of root tip cell have been found to be 24.3 species with B-chromosomes. The karyotype formula are as follows:P. koraiensis, 2n=24=20m(4sc)+4sm P. meyeri, 2n=24=22m(6sc)+2sm+2B P. wilsonii, 2n=24=16m(6sc)+8sm+2B P. schrenkiana, 2n=24=20m(6sc)+4sm P. jezonensis var. microsperma, 2n=24=22m(4sc)+2sm+1B.
This paper presents an analysis of the number and karyotype of the chromosome in each of 20 representative lotus varieties selected from the existing 128 wild and cultivated ones. It was found that all these varieties analysed were diploid, the respective basic numbers of their chromosomes were just the same, i. e. 8, 2n=16 and, seen from the morphological structure,the range of relative length and the centromere of the karyotypes were also roughly the same. It was also observed that the numbers and the positions of the satellites were different and deficiency occurred in each pair of the chromosome, which might have caused the structural variations of chromosome (including changes of its position), resulting in appearance of variety diviersity, such as different flower colours and different levels of petalody.
1. In this paper, the somatic chromosome numbers of 4 species in Aetinidia are counted as follows: A. arguta (Sieb. et Zuce.) Planchex Mig. 2n=116,A. chinensis Planch var. chinensis 2n=58, A. eriantha Benth. 2n=58, A. valvata Dunn 2n=116. Of the four species, the chromosome number of A. valvata Dunn is recorded for the first time.2. The basic chromosome number, the sex chromosomes, the chromosome ploidy variation on intraspecies and interspecies and the effects of latitudes and actitudes on the distribution of diploids and polyploids in Actinidia have been discussed.(1). Such chromosome numbers as 2n=58, 2n=116 and 2n=174 reported by us and other authors suggested that the basic chromosome number for this genus be 29.(2). Thepolyploid series with 2n=58, 116 and 174 mentioned above is unlikely to suggest that there should be a simple sex chromosome in the chromosome set of Actinidia.(3). The chromosome numbers in Section Leiocarpae are largely 2n=116 (4x), and in Section Stellatae are 2n=58 (2x) except A.chinensis Planch var. hispida (or A. deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson). These results seem to indicate that the classification derived from morohology observation is coincided with the data of chromosome numbers at the level of intersection. It is obvious that further chromosome number reports in this genus are necessary to verify this hypothesis. (4). The species of Sect. Leiocarpae involved in this paper, which is a group of temperate model possessing the character of the flora of Eastern Asia, are largely polyploid, while the two species, A. chinensis Planch var.chinensis and A.eriantha Benth., in Sect. Stellatae which is a group of subtropic model connected with the flora of Southeastern Asia are diploid. In Sect.Stellatae, the diploid variety A. chinensis Planch var. chinensis distributed in the tower latitude area including Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejang, Jangxi,Fujian and Guangdong, where as the hexaploid variety A.chinensis Planch var. hispida (or A. deliciosa), sharing the common latitudes with the former, distributed in the western area with higher altitude largely including Sichuan,Guizhou and Yunnan. Therefore, it is obvious that the polyploids in this genus adapted to higher latitude and higher altitude habitats. According to the statement that polyploids are derived from diploids, somepolyploid species in Sect. Leiocarpae might be advanced species whose ancestry had inhabited the distribution centre of Actinidia.
Chromosome counts are reported for eleven species and one subspecies of cultivated plants belonging to eight families from Shanghai.Berberis chinensis Poir. (Berberidaceae) 2n=28;Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) Li (Rosaceae) 2n=34;Indigofera pseudotinctoria Matsum. (Leguminosae) 2n=16;Lespedeza cuneata(Dam. Cour.)G. Don (Leguminosae) 2n=20; the fact that most of the species heretofore known with 2n=20 in the genus Lespzdeza possess apetalous flowers, while species with 2n=22 are predominantly lack of apetalous flowers deserves further study;Lespedeza thunbergii (DC.) Nakai ssp. cathayana (Hsu et al.) Hsu et al.2n=22, reported for the first time; Amorpha fruticosa L. (Legumiuosae)2n=40; Phyllanthus glaucus Wall. (Euphorbiaceae)2n=26, reported for the first time; Hypericum densiflorum Parsh. (Hyoericaceae) 2n=16; Diospyros cathayensis Steward (Ebenaceae) 2n=60, reported for the first time; Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae) 2n=46, with a mixoploidy of two dif ferent numbers 2n=42, 44; Ophiopogon chekiangensis Kimura et Migo (Liliaeeae) 2n=68,72, reported for the first time; Liriope spioata Lour. (Liliaceae), 2n=108. The vouchers are preserved in the Herbarium of Fudan University.
The ultrastructural changes during the developing process of Stevia rebaudiana Bertani has been observed.The "prolamellar bodies" in the bud etioplast consist of netted "lattice bodies" formed by tubules; the "plastid center" disperses gradually, forming radius arranged lamellar structure. The plastid envelope appears protruding gemma-like body,probably being a kind of plastid proliferation.After the young leafs having turned green, the dispersion of "plastid center" disappears, the thylakoid forms on the whole, and the "prolamellra body" transforms into lamellar structure.As the leaf grows green, grana lamella and stroma lamella are both differentiated apparently: grana lamella are being increasingly piled up,photosynthetic membrane systems are quite developed.In the young leaf and in the extending leaf-cell, the division of the chloroplasts can be observed, forming dump-bell shapes—the principal means of the proliferation of chloroplasts.
Azella filiculcides Lam. is primarily cultivated as a green manure for rice or as a food for animals during the present period. If care is not taken,Azolla crops will be destroyed by insects and disease in 3-5 days during the very hot weather of the summer, but the sporocarps of Azolla are the better materials which can pass the natural environmental disaster.This paper has primarily discussed the scanning electron microscopic observations on the megasporocarps and the massulae of microsporangium in Azolla filiculoides. The details have been recorded by photographs. It is con- sideredthat the adhesion between the surface of the megasporocarp and the massulae of the microsporangium is relative to the germination power of the megasporocarp. It is pointed out that the mycelia stuck to the megasporocarp might be one of the reasons causing Azolla crops to be destroyed by disease in the hot weather.
This paper has recounted the characters of shape and properties, tissue structure, powder and separation of Gentiana rhodantha, provided bases for identification of the plant. Owing to the root and rhizomaas medicinal parts in most case, the microscopic structure of the part on ground of the plant has not been reported yet,this paper will be of a certain value of reference to ones in the research of histology of Gentiana rhodantha.
During the period from Sept. 1981 to Aug. 1982, phytoplankton had been collected in Dong Hu(East Lake),Wuhan,Hubei Province. 91 species,varieties and forms of the Chlorophyta, Pyrrophyta arid Cryptophyta had been noted. Among them, 1 species and 1 form are described as new a science; 11 species, 1 variety and 3 forms are recorded for the first time in China.In the species identified, 12 species are frequently encountered in the water of plentiful organic material, or 14% of the total green algae species. In every month of a year, the frequently encountered species appeared repeatedly in the water of plentiful organic material accounted for nearly 50%. The species and quantity of Desmids were very rare. Dominant species were mainly blue-green algae. These characteristics related intimately to entrophication process in Dong Hu.
The present paper is a report on the Centricae Diatoms of Anhui and Heilongjiang, China. There are 11 species, 4 varieties, 1 form belongs to 5 genera, 2 families, 2 orders discovered in the collections.
In the paper, the authors report the new recorded taxa of plants from Anhui Province. These new taxa are Stellaria palustris Ehrh., Actaea asiatica Hara., Eutrema yunnanense Franch., Eutrema yunnanense Franch. var. tenerum O. E. Schulz., Aegopodium henryi Diels., Mosla longibracteata (C. Y. Wu) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li, Paraphlomis foliata (Dunn) C. Y. Wu et H. Li, Rabdosia inflexa Hara., Rabdosia longituba (Miq.)Hara., Salvia plectranthoides Griff., Scutellariaindica L. var. subacaulis C. Y. Wu et C. Chen., Diarrhena fauriei Ohwi and Galeola lindleyana Reichb. f.. The Actaea L., Eutrema R. Br., Aegopodium L., Diarrhena Beauv. and Galeola Lour. are also new genera recorded in Anhui Province.
The writer has observed cultivars of lotus, soil(pH), changes of water high and low, sunshine and temperature in different ecological conditions.Experimental result shows that the different cultivars of lotus by their ecological habits can be separated into three ecotype cultivaed; deep water, shallow water and glazed earthen basin or earthen bowl.
This paper summarize the distributions, biological characteristics and varieties of Lagerstroemia in Wuhan by the investigation and experiment of three years (1981-1983), basing on these, the view of which we should bring the advantage of Lagerstroemia which can ornament summer in Wuhan into play is advanced.
The forests of Populus euphratica are endemic and valuable forest resource in desert region of Gansu Province.However,for the last two or three decades,they have been destroyed seriously because people cut off the trees disorderly and denude them, and destory forests for reclaiming wasteland. Now, the remaining forests of Populus euphratica are few. The obvious declination of some Populus euphratica forests has also happened among the remaining ones because the water table comes to a lower level and result in a deterioration of the habitat. These are serious problems of the n0waday Populus euphratica forests in Gansu Province. If we do not pay special attention to such condition, the Populus euphratica forests will be extincted before long from this region.People will have to manage them properly, so that this valuable forest resource will not be extirpated from desert region of Gansu Province. Methods of proper management include to forbid strictly cutting off this tree disorderly, denuding and destroying forests for reclaiming wasteland, to irrigate and nurture the obviously degenerating Populus euphratica forests owing to the falling of ground-water table and so on. At the same time people also ought to develop actively afforestation of Populus euphratica and gradually enlarge area of this forests.
There are 2,818 species (including subspecies, varieties and forma) of medicinal plants belong to 194 families and 977 genera in Hubei. They make up 67 per cent of the total number of the plants in Hubei. Among them, there are 544 species of crude drugs, 2,226 species of medicinal herbs and 48 species of plants which were confused with the other crude drugs in using. According to the natural conditions, the vegetation types and the distribution characteristics,we divide Hubei into two zones (northern and middle subtropics) and six regions of medicinal plants. This paper reports the main new recorded plants of each region, and discusses the protection, exploitation and utilization of the medicinal plants.