The Endemism in the Flora of Seed Plants in Napo County
Graphical Abstract
There are 2201 species in 889 genera and 174 families of seed plants in Napo County which is located in the southwest of Guangxi Province.Among them,5 families are endemic to East Asia, 15 genera to China and 39 species to Napo County.The results show that this region is rich in plant taxa and endemism.Among the 15 genera endemic to China,1 genus endemic to Napo County and 4 genera belong to Gesneriaceae.In the specific level,we analysed the areal subtypes of the Chinese endemic species and areal types of the genera to which the 39 species endemic to the region belong,the results all show that this flora has strongly tropical and subtropical characters.Endemism developed in the limestone regions of Napo County shows that a remarkable feature.This phenomenon is conspicous in Gesneriaceae.