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Li LY,Wang B,Huang FZ,Li JX,Guo YL,Li DX,Xiang WS,Lu F,Wen SJ,Lu SH,Li XK. Distribution characteristics and influencing factors of random framework in a northern tropical karst seasonal rainforest[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(6):717−725. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23388
Citation: Li LY,Wang B,Huang FZ,Li JX,Guo YL,Li DX,Xiang WS,Lu F,Wen SJ,Lu SH,Li XK. Distribution characteristics and influencing factors of random framework in a northern tropical karst seasonal rainforest[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(6):717−725. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23388

Distribution characteristics and influencing factors of random framework in a northern tropical karst seasonal rainforest

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  • Received Date: December 24, 2023
  • Accepted Date: January 24, 2024
  • Based on 2021 field survey data from the 15-hm2 Nonggang karst seasonal rainforest dynamic monitoring plot, this study analyzed the distribution characteristics of random framework within the overall stand and among dominant species. Additionally, the factors influencing the distribution of random framework were explored from the perspectives of life forms and environmental variables. Results showed that the frequency of random framework in the uniform angle index distribution was highest, exceeding 0.5, both for the stand as whole and for dominant species. The overall stand and dominant species both exhibit random distribution. Trees showed a random distribution pattern, while shrubs were aggregated, with random framework accounting for more than 55% of the total. Key factors influencing the occurrence of random framework included the number of original plant individuals, average diameter at breast height, average elevation, topographic wetness index, and slope, which together explained a significant proportion of the variation. In conclusion, random framework occupy a dominant position within karst natural forests, with their distribution significantly influenced by the combined effects of tree life forms, biological factors, and complex topographical conditions.

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