A Primary Study on the Removal of Eutrophication and Restraint of Algae by Some Plants
Graphical Abstract
The capacity of TN,TP removal and restraint of algae by some floating plants and land plants in super-eutrophic water were studied (in Oct-Nov. month).The TN removal rate by Jussiaea repens, Hygroryza aristata,Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica, based on the average biomass were 31.91, 32.91, 21.65, 38.27 mg·kg-1·d-1, and the TN removal ratio were 80%,77%,87%,86% respectively. The TP removal rate by Jussiaea repens, Hygroryza aristata, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatia,based on the average biomass were 6.45, 2.58, 4.01, 3.97 mg·kg-1·d-1, and the TP removal ratio were 85%,51%,94%,77%, respectively. Also The growth rate, restraint of algae and dry matter of 4 plants were investigated, and the (possibility) of application of native species was explored.