Notes on Brachytheciaceae (Bryophyta) of China
Graphical Abstract
The Brachytheciaceae specimens loaned from the herbarium of South China Botanical Garden (IBSC),as well as collected by authors from Mt.Gaoligongshan were investigated,of which Eurhynchium latifolium Cardot is a new record to China,and Cirriphyllum crassinerum (Taylor) Loeske & M.Fleisch., Rhynchostegiella menadensis (Sande Lac.) E.B.Bartram, Rhynchostegiella sakuraii Takaki and Rhynchostegium celebicum (Sande Lac.) A.Jaeger that reported before and lack of detailed information in literature now are reconfirmed to China after examing the type materials.Descriptions,illustrations of those species are provided.