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Cloning and Expression Analysis of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene from Dendranthema lavandulifolium on Salinity
LIU Zhen-Lin, CAO Hua-Wen, XIA Xin-Li, YIN Wei-Lun, DAI Si-Lan
2009, 27(1): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
RAPD Polymorphism of Polygonum capitatum Population from Guizhou and Sichuan
DU Ming-Feng, CHEN Qing-Fu
2009, 27(1): 8-11.
Abstract PDF
A Study on Leaf Anatomy and Epidermal Micromorphology of Michelia crassipes Law(♀),M.calcicola C.Y.Wu() and Their F1 Hybrids
JI Li, ZHAO Xing-Feng, SUN Wei-Bang
2009, 27(1): 12-18.
Abstract PDF
Dichelyma Myrin(Musci:Fontinalaceae), A Newly Recorded Genus in China
Mamtimin Sulayman, WU Peng-Cheng
2009, 27(1): 19-21.
Abstract PDF
A Revision of Vitex simplicifolia B.N.Lin et S.W.Wang
ZANG De-Kui, SUN Ju-Wen
2009, 27(1): 22-22.
Abstract PDF
On the Classification and Distribution of the Subfamily Populoideae(Salicaceae)
ZHAO Neng, LIU Jun, GONG Gu-Tang
2009, 27(1): 23-40.
Abstract PDF
Topographic Correlates of Understory Plant Species Distribution in Nanling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong
OU Yu-Duan, WANG Hua-Nan, ZHANG Lu, SU Zhi-Yao
2009, 27(1): 41-46.
Abstract PDF
Spatial Patterns and Associations in a Birch-fir Forest in Mt. Taibai
LIN Yue, REN Jian-Yi, YUE Ming
2009, 27(1): 47-54.
Abstract PDF
The Niche Characteristics of Endangered Plant Tsuga tchekiangensis in Jiulongshan National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province
LIU Chun-Sheng, LIU Peng, ZHANG Zhi-Xiang, LI Cheng-Hui, HUANG Bang-Wen, LUO Jian-Feng, JIN Ting-Ting
2009, 27(1): 55-61.
Abstract PDF
A Comparison of the Forest Communities at Six Research Sites in North of Guangdong, China
MIAO Shen-Yu, WANG Hou-Lin, CHEN Gui-Zhu, CHEN Jian-Hui, GUO Pei-Guo
2009, 27(1): 62-69.
Abstract PDF
Passing Winter Strategies of Tapiscia sinensis during Its Extreme Long Reproductive Cycle
TENG Li, LIU Wen-Zhe
2009, 27(1): 70-75.
Abstract PDF
Phenology of Woody Species in Yuanjiang Dry-Hot Valley in Yunnan Province
ZHANG Jiao-Lin, HAO Guang-You, CAO Kun-Fang
2009, 27(1): 76-82.
Abstract PDF
Molecular Pharming in Plants:An Overview and Update
QIU Qing-Chuan, YANG Dai-Chang
2009, 27(1): 83-89.
Abstract PDF
Research Progress on Cyanobacterial Toxin
DAI Jin-Jin, CHEN De-Hui, GAO Yun-Fang, MA Qing
2009, 27(1): 90-97.
Abstract PDF
A Preliminary Study on NH4+-N Uptake Kinetics of Potamogeton malaianus under Different Nutrient Conditions
LIU Feng, LI Ming, LI Hong-Lin, YIN Li-Yan, LI Wei
2009, 27(1): 98-101.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Ecological Distribution and Floristic Element of Aspicilia Lichens in Xinjiang
Anwar Tumur, Gulbostan Ismayil, Reyim Mamut, Abdulla Abbas
2009, 27(1): 102-107.
Abstract PDF
A Preliminary Study of the Bryoflora of Pangquangou National Nature Reserve in Shanxi Province
ZHANG Er-Fang, LI Lin, ZHAO Jian-Cheng
2009, 27(1): 108-112.
Abstract PDF
Effect of 1-MCP-β-CD on Vase Quality of Cut Carnation Flowers
CHEN Jun-Zhi, WANG Jin, SHAO Chao-Qun
2009, 27(1): 113-117.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Antifatigue Function of Polysaccharides from Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl.
WANG Hui, CHEN Ping, ZHANG Li-Ping, QIAN Li-Na, XIAO Yan-Ying, YU Xue-Qin
2009, 27(1): 118-120.
Abstract PDF