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Study on the Editing Sites in Transcripts of Functional Genes of HL-cytoplasmic Male Sterility Rice Mitochondria during Microgametogenesis
KONG Jin, TAN Yan-Ping, CHEN Zu-Yu, LI Shao-Qing, ZHU Ying-Guo
2006, 24(2): 95-99.
Abstract PDF
Cloning and Stress Expression Analysis of Calnexin in Tomato
LI Ming-Hui, SUN Ying, ZHAO Chun-Mei, SUN Ai-Qing, HU Xiao-Ran, LIU Jian
2006, 24(2): 100-105.
Abstract PDF
Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in the Apomictic Monosomic Addition Line M14 of Beta corolliflora in Sugar Beet
SHEN Ye, SHEN Jia-Heng, GUO De-Dong, FANG Xiao-Hua, LIU Li-Ping
2006, 24(2): 106-112.
Abstract PDF
Studies on the Spore Morphology of Polypodiodes Ching (Polypodiaceae) from Southwest,China
ZHANG Bi-Bo, WANG Ren-Xiang, CHANG Yan-Fen, LU Shu-Gang
2006, 24(2): 113-118.
Abstract PDF
The Characteristics of Spermatophytic Flora from Dapeng Peninsula,Shenzhen
ZHANG Yong-Xia, XING Fu-Wu
2006, 24(2): 119-129.
Abstract PDF
The Regeneration of Tree Species in Subalpine Dark Coniferous Forest in the Wolong Nature Reserve
WANG Wei, HU Kai, TAO Jian-Ping, LI Zong-Feng
2006, 24(2): 130-134.
Abstract PDF
Seasonal Dynamic of Growth of Phalaris arundinacea in Beigu Mountain Wetland in Zhenjiang
FU Wei-Guo, LI Ping-Ping, WU Chun-Du, CAO Qiu-Yu, BIAN Xin-Min
2006, 24(2): 135-139.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Photosynthetic Dynamic and the Response to CO2 of Mahonia fortunei in the Limestone Zone in Chongqing
LIU Jin-Chun, ZHONG Zhang-Cheng, HE Yue-Jun, JIN Jing
2006, 24(2): 140-143.
Abstract PDF
Differentiation of Soil Enzyme Activities in Different Soil-Heavenly Bamboo Systems
LI Ying, ZHONG Zhang-Cheng
2006, 24(2): 144-148.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Nutrient Concentrations on the Growth and Accumulation of Exopolysacchrides of Spaceflight Dunaliella salina
LI Jia-Lin, ZHANG Xiao-Ping, WU Su-Zhen, ZHENG Wei-Fa
2006, 24(2): 149-153.
Abstract PDF
Comparative Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Sun and Shade Acclimated Nostoc commune
LI Yun-Guang, HU Zheng-Yu
2006, 24(2): 154-158.
Abstract PDF
Induction of Autotetraploid Non-heading Chinese Cabbage with High-quality and Heat-tolerance by Colchicine
DENG Yun, ZHANG Shu-Ning, SUN Min-Hong, ZHANG Zhen-Chao
2006, 24(2): 159-162.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Micro-morphology of Leaf Lower Epdermis of the Tribe Triticeae from Shandong
LI Yan, QIN Hai, LIFa-Zeng
2006, 24(2): 163-166.
Abstract PDF
RAPD Analysis for Mating System in Caldesia parnassifolia
DONG Zhen-Rong, CHEN Jin-Ming, WANG Qing-Feng
2006, 24(2): 167-170.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Report on Observation for Flowering and Bearing Habit of Chaenomeles speciosa(Sweet) Nakai
2006, 24(2): 171-172.
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A Review on the Phylogenetics of Nymphaeaceae
SUO Zhi-Li
2006, 24(2): 173-182.
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Brief Introduction of Exploitation and Utilization of Fuel Plants Resources
FU Deng-Qi, HUANG Hong-Wen
2006, 24(2): 183-190.
Abstract PDF